Maybelline Color Show Nail Polishes (II)

Back with Part 2 of my Maybelline Color Show Nail Polishes - the second half of my 8 polishes I have from the range so far! Read my first post on these amazing polishes if you haven't :)

First - Velvet Wine (502), a pinkish-hued maroon with silver and pink microglitter.

This was two coats of Velvet Wine. The dry time on this was fast, as with the other Color Show polishes and pretty smooth for a polish with glitter!

Keep-up-the-Flame (215)! A super bright orangey-red. In case you were wondering, these look as bright in real life as they do in the pictures. I really really love this, think it's my favourite red polish I own :) Been searching for the perfect red polish for quite awhile and all the other polishes I've tried just don't seem to be the right shade, too red (??) or too maroon-y when they're on my nail (Okay I was horrible at explaining that!)

Direct sunlight - a blinding red!

Indoors with natural light. Two-coater. Amazing shiny finish with no top coat. Loveeeee this <3

Fantasea Green (302) - A muted forest green. Imagine a pastel version of watermelon jelly beans!

This picture shows probably the most true-to-life colour of Fantasea Green in the sunlight!

Indoors with natural light. Two coats. Look at that shine!

Getting all artsy with it!

This is definitely gonna be one of my go-to colours when I'm having one of those days that I can't decide what colour to go for.

Buried Treasure (221) - A grey / brown color with gold shimmer. Depends on the lighting it looks either grey or brown.
(Admittedly I forgot to take a picture of this one showing the cap and the number but let's just imagine...)

Brown / Bronzey in direct sunlight

Slightly grey at certain angles

Indoor with natural lighting - the greyest it looks!

All the polishes in the post! Oh I did take a picture of Buried Treasure after all :)

My comments for these are exactly the same as what I mentioned in my first post, these polishes are such good quality for what they're worth. Quick dry time, super shiny finish, honestly one of the most bang-for-buck polishes. I could not rave about them enough! 

Oh, one slight downside though. I recently wore Mint Mojito for my St. Patrick's Day nails and they stained my nails like CRAZY. This was only after about 5 days of wear. The nails on my left hand which had MM as a base were completely yellow while my right hand (Porcelain Party) were completely fine. So maybe use a base coat when you're working with these colours to be safe. I usually do but got lazy - MM caught me out and was soooo unforgiving!

I think I've picked out almost all the colours that I like the most / found most unique from the whole range. Giving some of the other colours a miss because I have similar colours or they're just not my kinda colours. But if you're looking to get basic colours or colours you don't already have, the Color Show range is a pretty good place to start! Quality wise it was consistent for all 8 polishes I tried. I have no doubt that it will probably be the same for all the rest! x


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I'm Rebecca, a nail polish hoarder from Singapore. Here's a space where I'll share my favourite nail polishes of the moment, nail art tutorials, swatches and more! x

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